Monday, May 11, 2009

3D car modeling: The Ghostbusters' Ectomobile-1 (ECTO-1)

Ghostbusters' Ectomobile-1 (ECTO-1)
March - May 2009.

Software used (in order):
Softimage XSI 6.5 (initial modeling)
3ds Max 2009 (UVW unwrapping, texturing, vRay rendering)
Adobe Illustrator CS (texturing stickers, gauges, bump masking)
Adobe Photshop CS3 (UVW paiting, detailing, post-production)

Remodeled after a 1959 Cadillac Meteor Ambulance, the ECTO-1 went on to become one of the most recognized and beloved movie rides of all time, receiving countless iterations along the Ghostbusters' franchise, starting with the ECTO-1A, from Ghostbusters II. Modeling began in late February, with final rendering done in early May.

1 comment:

Lika said...

EDU.... PERFEITO!!! MUITO SHOW o seu trabalho!!! Parabén e continue essa evolução!!!!


Aline - SENAC - Likamoraes ;)